Forced Circulation Pump

  • 542
Product Review | Top Rated

In addition to the motor and seal of the forced circulation pump made of high-grade corrosion-resistant materials, bearing suspension with stainless steel production (titanium can also be selected), all other parts are made of titanium and titanium alloy, the production of vortex shell and liquid wheel is more distinctive, it absorbs the experience of casting production, the integration of sheet metal technology and welding process, so that the product appearance is exquisite, the structure i

    Additional Information

  • Color: Default Color
  • Size: Default Size
  • Origin: China
  • Usage: Default Usage
  • Type: Default Type
  • Efficiency: 99.9% Type


In addition to the motor and seal of the forced circulation pump made of high-grade corrosion-resistant materials, bearing suspension with stainless steel production (titanium can also be selected), all other parts are made of titanium and titanium alloy, the production of vortex shell and liquid wheel is more distinctive, it absorbs the experience of casting production, the integration of sheet metal technology and welding process, so that the product appearance is exquisite, the structure is reasonable, economical and durable. The companys FJX forced circulation pump has been used in: diaphragm caustic soda, phosphoric acid, vacuum salt, calcium lactate, alumina, calcium chloride, ammonium chloride, sodium chlorate, sugar, molten salt, papermaking, wastewater and other industries of evaporation, concentration, cooling, in order to improve the production capacity of the equipment, increase the heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger for forced circulation.


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